Sunday, February 17, 2013

Everything is just PERFECT!! Lies!!

Yup. EVERYTHING is perfect in my life. Great family, great job, great social life, great health.....great everything. Everyday is like smiles and sunshine all the time and I am seldom upset!!...... Are you super annoyed yet??? If I were reading that, I would be!! While I am a true optimist, I am also a realist. Nothing is perfect. EVEN if it seems that way, it isn't. (grass is always greener, type of talk). I try every day to perfect the, what seems like, hundreds of things I have to do knowing I'll never achieve it, perfection that is, but that's ok! I am determined to put forth my best work and be the best I can be. There are days when I wake up and just don't feel like it. I'd rather crawl back in bed until I'm good and ready to get up and face the world. But I can't do that. I have responsibilities, work, school, I start talking to myself. It's not as crazy as it sounds, we all do it, just maybe not consciously. "Get up Najwa. Find inspiration Najwa. Smile Najwa." Then sometimes the conversation sounds like this, "I really don't care. Eff it. I don't feel good. I'd rather be home. blah, blah, blah." When I'm having the latter conversation with myself, I know I'm headed toward a bad day. Then it's decision time. I can, A.) Decide to do my best to find happiness in the day ahead or B.) Allow myself to have the bad day BUT this comes with the agreement (with myself) to make tomorrow AWESOME. I'll share with you how I do that. :-).....

 Early in my adult life, experiences I had taught me that, my happiness came from within and was A CHOICE on my behalf. Deep, right!? No one or nothing could bring me the type of unfiltered happiness I longed for (and deserved). That was up to me. Since then, it's been my mission to not succumb to negative thoughts (and I've had some very low points in life), and not allow others to steal what they had no right to and to ultimately BE HAPPY.  Here's how I do it:

Gemini Ladyy's 7 ways to "BE" Happy:

1.) Count every blessing - start small: I'm alive, I can see, I can hear gradually increase... I have a home, I have great friends/family, I have a job.... Continue until you get tired. You will see how very much you have to be thankful for. Then think how miserable you'd REALLY be if you didn't have those things!

2.) Pray/Meditate - to whomever you recognize as the "master/creator" of this here universe! Take time to connect with your spiritual side. Play some soft music or none at all. Ask for patience, clarity, strength, insight...whatever it is, ask for it...than expect to receive it.

3.) Smile - Smiling is a form of charity to the receiver. A smile can make someones day!! I love to smile at random people!! Just try it and see how you feel. And I mean a real smile, not a half smirk/grin that could be kind of maybe confused for a grimace. Show some Teeth =D

4.) Do good deeds...and get others to as well - Find some type of activity outside of yourself that involves giving to those who are less fortunate than you. Perhaps a women's shelter that needs donations or maybe find an organization that feeds the hungry weekly and make a dish to serve. Anything!! Doing good deeds keeps you connected to world around and not stuck in your own. :-)

5.) Choose Happiness! - It is a CHOICE. Not something that comes with another person or thing. It is a conscious decision made by you in any given moment. When you CHOOSE happiness you push aside negativity and are taking control of the reigns!

6.) Share/Ask for help - "No Man is an Island Unto Himself" It is OK TO BE WEAK sometimes, because we all are. So ask for help or a listening ear from someone you know cares about you. After you've vented or talked it out...make it your business to be GREAT!!! 

7.) Find something you love, really, really love and DO IT!! Wait for it..... O...M...G!!! Lol! When I found my "something", which I will share with you at a later date, it was like all my puzzle pieces came together. The dots of my mental, emotional and physical self all connected and.... well I experienced serious happiness. ;-)

BONUS: Yet Most important, BE YOU!! You are created to be great in you own special way. We need what you have to offer. Trust me, somebody does. So be youR best self...SPREAD LIGHT!!!


Do you believe in the Law of Attraction?? If you do, practicing the above actions can bring into your universe much positivity and happiness....because that's what you putting out! Ooooooooh!!! Here's a link to a guide to applying the "Law of Attraction": 

Follow the Positivity - Ok, let me explain what I truly mean by this!! Follow the positivity is a phrase I've coined that is simple. Continue along the path of all that is positive. Is something you're doing getting great results? Keep It Up!! See someone doing good works?? Ask them about it!!! When you see positivity, follow it, then engage it!!! I honestly think this will encourage others to continue their good works and celebrate them as well!!

 Song-Day Selections:
If You're Going Through Hell by Rodney Atkins ( Thanks Neat1 for the suggestion)

Brand New Me by Alicia Keys (I'm a fanatic)

So, again I posted videos with lyrics so you can read the message!! Let me know what you prefer :-) And don't forget to send me song suggestion!!

Your Turn To Share!!! How do you get happy!!???

BE Positive, BE great, BE blessed,

Gemini Ladyy