Sunday, March 10, 2013

I Am Woman!! Hear Me....Whisper?

Greetings Good People!! First let me apologize for having not posted in over a week! Yikes!! I was traveling and a little under the weather but I'm great now, thank God!!

Today's Song Day Selections are:

"Unwritten" by Natasha Beddingfield

"When You've Been Blessed" by Patti Labelle

On to business, It's Women's History Month!!! All month long people are recognizing women from history and present who have done or are doing extraordinary things!! I've been enjoying all the posts via social media, haven't you? :-)

With all this positive feminine energy going around, I can't help but think of that catchy saying: "I am Woman, Hear Me ROAR!!".....Only I kept thinking, which led to this thought: Not all of us ROAR. Some women do indeed lead with bold actions and decisions. They lead by pushing the envelope and fighting hard, loud and with fearless abandon. No holds barred, ready to fight if need be (sometimes literally) and stand up for what's right despite what may happen in return!! I love it!! But you also have women who lead quietly; they whisper. These women draw people to them, like bees to honey. Their strong demeanor holds presence and poise yet demands respect. I love how varied we can be as women. I love that what one woman can accomplish, so can another, but may do so by completely different measures!! How AWESOME are we!?

Whispering can be just as good as roaring. We can learn lots from one another...those of us who roar could learn to whisper a little and those of us who whisper could learn to roar every now and then. There's much good to be done we when can appreciate what WE have but also acknowledge the great in others! Here's the big picture: We all have our strengths but they are in different areas and may not look the same. Doesn't make it any less...strong! So, if you don't ROAR, it's your WHISPER :-)

So, who can you celebrate in your everyday life that, ROARS or WHISPERS? I know plenty of women in both of these categories and I admire them all!! I congratulate them and I appreciate them for simply BEING who they are! Whether quietly or loudly...

Women get the reputation of being catty. No doubt this is real sometimes. But since we're in Liberate Yourself land and the focus here is positivity, let's do this.....You ready?

Think of 5 ladies you admire, for whatever reason. They could be family, friend or acquaintance!! I want you to let them know. I want you to be unabashedly honest about what you like about them!! Send it in a text, email, Facebook message, Tweet, Instagram Post or A PHONE CALL (Gasp, what's that??). I guarantee, you will absolutely make some woman's day, you will bring a smile to her face, you will be sending out into the universe energetic vibes that will no doubt make their way back to you!!! You will be spreading love and light and throwing shade at the reputation of cattiness!! Go ahead, do it, you know you want to! (I think we need to!) :-)

Tomorrow morning (Monday, March 11th, 2013) I'm on a mission to spread an outpouring of feminine positive energy!! Let's recognize each other for being who we are... Won't you join me!!??

 Here's how WE do it:
I will post a picture via, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, that simply acknowledges and expresses appreciation. All you have to do is:

A.) Repost and Tag the women you want to recognize! As few or many as you like!
B.) On INSTAGRAM you are welcomed to tag them directly on my post OR repost yourself and
C.) If YOU are tagged, keep the good karma going and tag someone else!! 
D.) Be sure to Hashtag #followthepositivity

I'm super excited about this and feeling the good vibrations already!

Who will be the first woman I Tag???..... So many awesome options!! ;-)

Until next time...

BE Great, BE Positive BE Blessed ..... and Spread some light!! 
Happy Women's History Month!!

In case you were wondering if I ROAR or WHISPER.... I'm a Gemini so I do both, lol

Gemini Ladyy
instagram: @gemini_ladyy
twitter: @liberateyoself

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